Newsletter Term 3 Week 9 (20.9.24)
Message from the Assistant Principal -Gemma Ballantine
Message from the Assistant Principal - Julianne Barlogio
New Principal - St Anthony's Kingscliff
Important Dates & School Information
Something to think and pray about
Sports News
Writing in Year 3
School Library - search for library books
Flying Start
Parish Information and News
St Anthony's Parish - Care Group
Message from the Assistant Principal -Gemma Ballantine
Last Week of Term 3
What a busy Term we have had and next week will be just as lively!
On Monday we will have our whole school Colour Fun Run. Kindergarten are still the highest fundraisers so far and Finn in Year 4 has valiantly maintained his crown as highest fundraiser of the 2024 campaign- well done Finn!!
It’s not too late to raise some more funds. Every dollar counts.
On Monday students will need to wear a light coloured shirt to catch the vibrant colour. Those with children catching buses will need to consider packing a spare shirt in case they get very wet, as happened last year. If you think your child may be sensitive to being sprayed around the eyes, they should bring sunglasses or goggles. The aim isn’t to spray faces, but sometimes this does happen.
We still need lots of families to help on the day. You won’t get sprayed unless you want to! Last year we wasted a lot of water so we only want parent helpers. Many hands make light work and the more people that can help, the more fun and enjoyable it is for everybody. Please let the office know if you can help and we’ll add you to the list of volunteers.
On Tuesday we have a number of students participating in a Tweed Junior Rugby League Gala Day and on Wednesday our Soccer Team will be representing the school at the Diocesan Primary Football Finals in Grafton. Thanks to Mr Judd, Mr Monahan, Miss Field and Mr Barton who have coached these teams so well. Congratulations to all of the students for your participation and for representing St Anthony’s- Good luck and have fun!
There is a lot of excitement in Year 4 as they have their Camp on Wednesday and Thursday next week at Tyalgum Ridge Retreat. Camp is a great opportunity to build stronger friendships between peers, develop leadership skills and challenge students to push their limits. It is also an opportunity for students to show their strengths in other areas beyond school. We hope everyone has a fun, enjoyable experience and they create some wonderful memories together.
The last day of Term 3 is next Friday, September 27 and students will return for the first day of Term 4 on Tuesday, October 15. Congratulations to all of the St Anthony’s students for their hard work, dedication to their studies, participation, love and service they have shown throughout the Term. We are so proud of the progress they have made and the wonderful things our kids do for each other every day. We hope all of our St Anthony’s families have a rest-filled, happy and safe holiday.
St Anthony’s Art Immersion
We’ve had a wonderful Term with our ‘Artists in Residence’, Gabi Eadie and Alice Nelson, exploring how we can raise awareness of the dangers of single-use plastics by creating some beautiful artwork.
All classes have had a day working with our artists and Kindergarten will embark on their artistic adventure this Thursday. Thanks to Menzie in Year 3 who brought in lots of yellow, orange and brown bottle tops for our project. If we could have some more of these sunburst colours from our St Anthony’s families it would be appreciated!
As part of the project, classes have been finding out about the impact of plastics on our environment, including the fact that plastic NEVER goes away. Plastic is a useful material and we need it in different situations, HOWEVER single-use plastics (E.g. chip packets & coffee cups) are so harmful to our native wildlife and landscapes. We need to change our habits and thinking around single-use plastics and use the options available to us. For example, having ‘nude’ lunchboxes, avoiding plastic packaging and getting sauce from a larger bottle and putting it in a small container- no more little plastic soy sauce fish bottles!!!
The kids have loved the project and can’t wait to show their beautiful artworks next Term.
Social Media: Are They Old Enough?
While the internet offers incredible opportunities for children to access information and connect with others, it's important for parents to teach them how to navigate online environments safely. Without proper supervision and understanding of concepts like privacy, children may face negative experiences that can impact their well-being.
Wait Till 13
One common question that arises is when your child should have a social media account.
Most social media platforms, including Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Facebook, require users to be at least 13 years old to register. Following these guidelines, we recommend that no primary-aged child should have their own social media account. As a school community, we kindly request that you protect your child by allowing them to access social media only under your account and supervision.
After they are 13, take into account your child’s:
- Maturity
- Resilience
- Understanding of the impacts of social media.
Saying No
Safeguarding your child's confidence and self-worth during their primary school years is crucial, and social media can have negative consequences on your child’s developing identity. We encourage you not to let the online environment distort this important phase of their development. Stay strong and resist the pressure to introduce your child to social media when they are too young.
Together, let's empower our children to explore the digital world safely while preserving their well-being and fostering a positive sense of self.
Learn about the latest games, apps and social media use for children in The esafety Guide.
Message from the Assistant Principal - Julianne Barlogio
School Fun Run
Monday is the day!
Students should come dressed in school uniform and bring appropriate sun safe clothing (old white t-shirt is best), must wear joggers for the run. Students will get wet and coloured, and change back into uniform after including shoes. Bring a towel (great for sitting on in the car to avoid colour transfer).
While the colour powder is non-toxic, it’s not very nice to breathe in so we suggest wearing scarves or bandanas around noses and mouths. Goggles or sunnies also protect eyes. We will endeavour to aim colour from the neck down.
The colouring can stain so please ensure you are happy for clothes to be ruined. Also it can stain light/blonde hair, to avoid coloured hair rub coconut oil before the run and wash in cold water.
To preserve your memories soak your shirt in water, salt and vinegar to lock the colour powder into the cotton and prevent colour run. You can YouTube this for more information.
Classes will run in the following order starting at 12.30pm with Flying Start, Kinder, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6.
Parent helpers will be at colour and water stations, please arrive at 12.15pm to be allocated a job.
Looking forward to a fabulous day, keep fundraising, we haven't hit our $30k target and we really want to slime Mrs Pull!!
New Principal - St Anthony's Kingscliff
Important Dates & School Information
Term 3 2024
Monday, 23rd September - Colour Fun Run
Wednesday, 25th & Thursday 26th September - Year 4 Camp
Friday, 27th September - Last day of Term 3
Term 4 2024
Monday, 14th October - Pupil Free Day - no school
Tuesday, 15th October - Term 4 - students return to school
Child Protection Policy can be found on our School Website under Information/School Policies: St Anthony's Primary School Website or in the following link:
Something to think and pray about
Heart, Intelligence and Will
In the search for what is really important, heart and reason are not incompatible. Will also has its place. Discernment presupposes a whole balance between these three human facilities.
Experience shows us that not every pleasant feeling is a reliable signpost. Conversely, it turns out that unpleasant feelings can sometimes point the way to greater happiness. What do you do when you are in crisis and you yo-yo from one feeling to another and back again? Is discernment something that is practised only at major stages of life? Or is it something you can also do in everyday life? What do you do when you disagree with your loved ones about a particular problem and yet you have to come to a decision? As a parent, how can you help your child to discern? Can you discern when in doubt?
Excerpted from Trust Your Feelings by Nikolaas Sintobin SJ (p.11)
Sports News
Polding Athletics Carnival
The 2024 Polding Athletics Carnival was held in Newcastle on Friday 13th September. St Anthony’s had 7 students represent the Lismore Diocese at this carnival.
Congratulations to the following students who competed to the best of their abilities: Kaynan Behs, Evelyn Stewart, Andy De Beer, Bonnie Brownjohn, Georgia Dodge, Lennox Stonefield and Willow Milligan.
- Congratulations to Andy De Beer who came 2nd in the Multi-Class Discus and 4th in the 100m, Long Jump and Shot Put. He will now progress to the NSW State Athletics Carnival for the Polding team in Discus.
- Congratulations to Evelyn Stewart who came 5th out of 20 competitors in the High Jump.
- Well done to our Junior Girls relay team consisting of: Bonnie Brownjohn, Georgia Dodge, Lennox Stonefield and Willow Milligan who qualified for the finals and came 6th place.
- Congratulations to Kaynan Behs who competed in the 100m and 200m Senior Boys sprints.
Good luck to Andy who will represent Polding at the NSW State Athletics Carnival!
Thank you to all the parents who transported the students to Newcastle for the carnival.
Tweed Catholic Primary Schools Sports Gala Day
On Friday 6th September, all of Years 5 and 6 attended the annual Tweed Catholic Primary Schools Sports Gala Day.
On the day there was a competitive Netball and Soccer competition as well as 4 other non-competitive sports for the students to participate in. All students who weren’t part of a competitive team rotated around 4 sports, the emphasis being on fun, learning and participation. These non-competitive sports were: tennis, Oztag, AFL and netball. Well done to all students for being involved.
The Years 5 and 6 competitive Netball team had a great day, coming away with plenty of wins and only 1 loss for the whole day. The team was placed runners up overall, what a fantastic result! Congratulations to the following students who competed with the St Anthony’s spirit:
Layla Edwards, Ellie Neaves, Lola Forrest, Leah Hegedus Venegus, Bobbie-Anne Zell, Emma Forde, Laila Woodley, Sophie Hardiman and Josie Moloney.
Scorers: Samara Lawrence and Amy Newell.
Many thanks again to Mrs Barlogio for coaching the team at lunch time and on the day, your time is much appreciated.
Congratulations to Miss Field who was the netball convenor for the day, you did a fantastic job!
This year we had a Years 5 and 6 mixed competitive soccer team who played through all their round games undefeated with 3 convincing wins.
They progressed to the final against a tough St Finbars team with the competition very even between the 2 teams.
St Anthony’s scored a goal in the 1st half and they were able to keep this lead winning the game 1-0. Well done to the following players: Kaynan Behs, Kalani Favaro Andreo, Andie Staunton, Jorja Geoghegan, Zali Meyer, Harper Gallagher, Dash Campbell, Archie Plunkett, Ky O’Grady, Eddie Keast, Warner Kitching, Alex McFarlene, Joe Handisides, Derayne Kelly and Orlando Caine.
Good luck to the team who will now progress to the Diocesan finals in Grafton next week!
Many thanks to Mr Jye Barton for running training sessions at lunch and coaching them on the day.
St Anthony’s also had a girls only soccer team which had the opportunity to play a 9 a side competition against 3 other schools in the Zone. All the girls were very keen for this opportunity and had so much fun playing on the day.
This team played very competitively only recording 1 loss in their round games which qualified them for the final. They didn’t come away with the win but what a fantastic effort to come runners-up for the day!
Congratulations to the following girls for your participation in this team: Malia Cadman, Isla-Mae Killick, Tayla Campbell, Milla Kovacevic, Bonnie Brownjohn, Evelyn Stewart, Georgia Dodge, Tiger-Lily Hawkes, Stella Dourado, Lacey Alach and Cate Thierjung.
Many thanks to Miss Burnheim who gave up her time to run some lunchtime training sessions with the girls and coach them on the day. Your time and effort is greatly appreciated.
Stage 2 and 3 Tennis Gala Days
The annual Todd Woodbridge Cup was held over the last couple of weeks for Stage 2 and 3 at the Murwillumbah Tennis Centre. The tournament is played in a modified format using smaller courts and low bounce balls. It is a team tennis event with 8 players in each team.
St Anthony’s had 4 teams participate from Stage 2 and 4 teams from Stage 3.
Well done to St Anthony’s team 4 who came runners up in the B Division at the Stage 3 Gala Day.
Congratulations to all students for your participation and efforts on the day.
Huge thanks to Mrs O’Grady who took time out at lunch to select the teams for Stage 2 and thanks to Mr Judd and Miss Lees who attended the Gala Days in Murwillumbah.
Fiona Croker
Sports Coordinator
Writing in Year 3
In Year 3 we have been studying a book called Piano Fingers. We had to innovate on the text to create our own poems. Here are some of our favourites:
Frankie Fogg: And then, music fell. A song of a hurricane destroying everything in its path. Duck and cover! A sound more deathly than nails scraping on concrete.
Koa McKenzie: And then, music tumbled. A song of a roaring angry storm and high-pitched screaming. Run away! A sound more atrocious than a car engine breaking down.
Audrey McMahon: And then, music dropped. A song of lightning crashing to the ground. Run! A sound more horrendous than nails scratching plates.
Harry Chilcott: And then, music splintered. A song of horrible nightmares bringing lightning storms. Run! A sound more painful than needles all over your body."
School Library - search for library books
overdue or lost library books
Please look and return to the library or the school office
Here are some places you might not have looked yet.
- In a Closet: Things often get thrown on the floor of a closet. Tidy it up and you might just find a missing book buried under there.
- Under Beds: Since we often read in bed, books can get dropped between the wall and the bed.
- Under the Couch: This is another popular reading spot. Move the entire couch to make sure you don’t miss anything.
- In Your Vehicle: Look under the seats, under car seats and in the trunk.
- Chair and Couch Cushions: It’s easy for small books and paperbacks to get wedged here.
- On the Bookshelf: Imagine that! Books fall behind other books, get put in backwards, or simply get caught so deeply between other titles that they disappear from view.
- In a Back Pack: Many a missing book has hitched a ride in a child’s backpack, hoping to make friends with his textbooks, I suppose.
- In a Pile: Library books like to hide in piles where they don’t belong. Piles of school books, piles of magazines, piles of coloring books, etc.
- In a Toy Container: Check toy chests, boxes and baskets. Lots of things besides toys love to hang out there, because children (who are rushing through a clean-up job) will toss pretty much anything inside.
- Under an Appliance: Check under the stove, the fridge, washer, dryer, etc.
- Under a Rug: Area rugs can easily hide a paperback library book.
- In the Bathroom: Any place in the house where people like to read is fair game!
- Someone Else’s House: Did they take the book to Grandma’s? To a friend’s house? To God’s house?
Flying Start
Flying Start for week 9 has looked like this:
Continuing with road safety and learning through song and dance. We have watched how much the preschoolers are learning in this area and are transferring this through conversations and play.
Our mud kitchen has been a busy place to be and with beautiful spring days we have used water, rocks, flowers, gems and mud to make some wonderful creations whilst being able to get messy
Self help skills are such an important part of our preschool goals and we are forging ahead with these knowing that we are nearing the end of term three. This week some of our children have been interested in tying shoelaces and although this is a skill that incorporates so many facets it hasn’t stopped us investigating and giving it a go. We are looking forward to participating in the colour run next week and be sure to say hi to us all as we run past.
Parish Information and News
Parish Priest: Fr Paul McDonald
Finance Manager: Paul Crouch
Parish Secretary: Marty Darragh
Pastoral Assistant: Catherine Holliday
Phone: 0266741368
Current Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9am-3pm
St Anthony's Parish - Care Group
Many parents may have noticed from the Parish Bulletin, that the Parish has a Care Group which, among other things seeks to provide meals to any parishoners in need.
This could include times of family sickness, new mums struggling to provide for the family in the early days of returning home, and many other circumstances of genuine need.
Please be aware that the Care Group is very willing to help out if any families find themselves in need of this service.
Contact: Parish Office: 0266 741 284 or Maree Moore 0439 174 116