Newsletter Term 3 Week 8 (13.9.24)
A message from the Principal -Lynne Pull
Message from the Assistant Principal -Gemma Ballantine
Important Dates & School Information
Something to think and pray about
School Fun Run
School Fees 2025
School Library - search for library books
Flying Start
Parish Information and News
St Anthony's Parish - Care Group
A message from the Principal -Lynne Pull
Dear Parents
On Monday over 300 Year 6 students from the Tweed Region’s Catholic Schools gathered for a Mass, lunch, games and activities with each other at St Joseph’s College at Banora Point. This is an annual event for this age group and is unique to the Tweed Region. Students from the college assisted on the day. A live band played the music for Mass and it was quite upbeat which appealed to the students. Each school’s Proclaim flag was processed in to the gathering, and students from each school participated in the readings and prayers. Lunch was provided by the Tweed parish schools for students, teachers, principals and Catholic Schools Office staff who were present. It was a wonderful occasion which was enjoyed by our students as they met others from the other schools and joined in the activities with them. We appreciate the efforts of all those involved to make it such a great experience.
Congratulations to the students who participated in Tournament of Minds last Sunday. Whilst neither of our teams progressed further, I know the students enjoyed the experience of working in a team, solving the challenge and encouraging one another along the way. TOM is a wonderful opportunity to build so many skills. It is student-led and students are accountable for all aspects of the challenge. A teacher acts as a facilitator to keep them on task and remind them of what’s important but can have no input into things really! So well done to the teachers who gave their time to the students to enable them to have this experience.
Students have certainly had a lot of sporting opportunities this term. Today quite a few students are in Newcastle representing the Lismore Diocese at the Polding Carnival. I believe we will have some make it through to state from this group. I will know more by Monday! Stage 3 enjoyed a gala day last Friday. The soccer team have won through to represent the Tweed zone in Grafton during the last week of term. Stage 2 had tennis this week and it is Stage 3’s turn next week. Plus there is an NRL Gala day during the last week of term also. No one can say that our students don’t have enough sporting opportunities! But it is great to see them active and enjoying themselves. Oh and congratulations to Kalani Favaro Andreo from Year 6 who has been selected in the NSW state soccer team. What a fantastic achievement!
On Tuesday next week, students will showcase their dances from this term for parents if you would like to see what they have done. Kindergarten will be on at 9.00am, Years 1 & 2 at 10.00am, Years 3 & 4 at 11.45am and Years 5 & 6 (minus the tennis players) at 1.35pm. You are welcome to come along and join in! We will send out reminders via Compass early next week.
Today the students who have been learning to play band instruments have gathered in Murwillumbah to play with other students from our Catholic schools and learn from each other. We look forward to hearing the band perform together next term. Thanks to Mr Spurlock for organising this for our students.
Don’t forget that we have the colour run on Monday 23rd September. This is our main fundraiser for the year. Please allow your children to become involved and perhaps reach out to family and friends to support the school. There are prizes galore. The more money raised the more teachers get slimed!
This Sunday we encourage all families to make an effort to be at Mass at 9.00am. Students who were confirmed will receive their certificates and we will have cake afterwards. Staff will be involved in the ministries so please join us. We all belong to the St Anthony’s parish and it is important that we come together as community.
Thank you to those parents who make an appointment to come in and chat about anything that may be concerning them. We appreciate the chance to know, and together we can work out how to move forward. I always say if we don’t know something then we can’t fix it. I always promise to listen. Thank you to those of you who have made an effort to affirm us in recent times as that has been particularly sustaining when things have been difficult.
To have good relationships, the best rule is to keep your heart a little softer than your head.
God bless everyone
Message from the Assistant Principal -Gemma Ballantine
Year 6 Tweed Regional Mass
On Monday all Year 6 students in the Tweed Region gathered at St Joseph’s College, Banora Point for Mass, a shared lunch and some games. The Year 6 Tweed Regional Mass is an annual event designed for students to celebrate Catholic Education, to make connections in preparation for high school and to enjoy a day of faith, friendship and fun. Our Year 6 students represented the school beautifully and reported that they had a great day.

Protect Your Child Online from Inappropriate Content
As children explore the online world, they may encounter inappropriate content that can be harmful and disturbing. This content can have emotional consequences, causing nightmares or changes in behaviour, especially if it's vivid.
Inappropriate content includes prohibited or offensive material that is unsuitable for children's age and developmental stage. It can be accessed inadvertently through search engines, hyperlinks, pop-ups, junk mail, online games, or referrals from others.
- Talk openly and regularly about online behaviour
- Let them know they should come to you or a teacher if they encounter online problems or see something wrong, emphasising that they won't get in trouble for seeking help.
- Avoid device threats that may discourage open communication. Children may fear losing their device, causing them to keep online problems hidden.
- Monitor the content your child accesses online, including video games and streaming services. Utilise parental controls for streaming platforms.
- Ensure children access online content in common areas like the lounge room, allowing for better supervision and reducing the risk of exposure to inappropriate content.
Talk About It
Start conversations with your child about their online experiences:
- Ask if they've ever seen something that made them feel uncomfortable, worried or upset.
- Discuss how to handle negative situations online and ensure their safety.
- Explore their knowledge of online safety and why it's important not to share inappropriate content with peers.
Take Action
If your child views inappropriate content:
- Determine if it was accidental or deliberate, and have an open conversation about their motives.
- Stay calm, listen to their feelings, and offer emotional support as needed.
- Seek advice from resources like NSW Parentline (1300 1300 52) if necessary.
Resources to use with your child
- eSafety kids: I saw something online I did not like.
- Younger children watch: Swoosh and Glide and Rule Number 5 story time video
- Hard to have conversations. Tips for parents.
- ThinkUKnow I’m worried my child might see something inappropriate online

Important Dates & School Information
Term 3 2024
Tuesday, 17th September - ZING - Dance Showcase
Monday, 23rd September - Colour Fun Run
Wednesday, 25th & Thursday 26th September - Year 4 Camp
Friday, 27th September - Last day of Term 3
Term 4 2024
Monday, 14th October - Pupil Free Day - no school
Tuesday, 15th October - Term 4 - students return to school
Child Protection Policy can be found on our School Website under Information/School Policies: St Anthony's Primary School Website or in the following link:

Something to think and pray about

The ‘Slow Work of God’
The Good News is that the spirit dwells within each one of us and we are all pilgrims on a journey to God. The spirit is continually at work in our lives and every experience is an opportunity for growth and for a deepening of life within us. However, the problem can be that sometimes we don’t recognise that ‘God comes to us disguised as our life’ (Richard Rohr) and we can’t believe that our experience could be the place of divine encounter, having meaning. Often, too, we face enormously challenging situations of illness, suffering and loss, that seem initially too awful and distressing to have any other significance. Finding God in the messy bits and pieces of our lives is enormously challenging. Many prefer to escape in sanitised, blissful and ‘holy’ experiences far removed from the daily hubris that surrounds us. The challenge remains to believe that God is with us and while not causing life’s chaos and unpredictability, works powerfully to shape and mould us through these experiences.
Excerpted from Discover God Daily by Brendan McManus SJ and Jim Deeds (p.6)
We Remember At This Time…
In September, we celebrate the Season of Creation. A time for us to remember our relationship with all of God’s creation. May we ponder the beauty and mystery of everything around us and find our way to make the world a better place for all God’s creations. “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good spirit lead me on a level path.” – Psalm 143:10 NRSVue

School Fun Run

School Fees 2025
Enrolment and Fees link below

School Library - search for library books
CALL OUT TO overdue or lost library books
Here are some places you might not have looked yet.
- In a Closet: Things often get thrown on the floor of a closet. Tidy it up and you might just find a missing book buried under there.
- Under Beds: Since we often read in bed, books can get dropped between the wall and the bed.
- Under the Couch: This is another popular reading spot. Move the entire couch to make sure you don’t miss anything.
- In Your Vehicle: Look under the seats, under car seats and in the trunk.
- Chair and Couch Cushions: It’s easy for small books and paperbacks to get wedged here.
- On the Bookshelf: Imagine that! Books fall behind other books, get put in backwards, or simply get caught so deeply between other titles that they disappear from view.
- In a Back Pack: Many a missing book has hitched a ride in a child’s backpack, hoping to make friends with his textbooks, I suppose.
- In a Pile: Library books like to hide in piles where they don’t belong. Piles of school books, piles of magazines, piles of coloring books, etc.
- In a Toy Container: Check toy chests, boxes and baskets. Lots of things besides toys love to hang out there, because children (who are rushing through a clean-up job) will toss pretty much anything inside.
- Under an Appliance: Check under the stove, the fridge, washer, dryer, etc.
- Under a Rug: Area rugs can easily hide a paperback library book.
- In the Bathroom: Any place in the house where people like to read is fair game!
- Someone Else’s House: Did they take the book to Grandma’s? To a friend’s house? To God’s house?

Flying Start

Another busy week for Flying Start Preschool. We are currently learning all about road safety, and engaging in this has allowed us to teach lifelong lessons. We have learned through play with songs about road safety, arts and crafts, gross motor skills with the netball court being turned into streets and discussions through books. There is so much to learn and we are ensuring it is always fun.
R U OK Day was a significant event that encouraged our children to identify their ‘5’-the five people they can turn to when feeling down. Through hands-on artwork and wearing yellow, we kept the conversation about mental well-being alive, fostering a supportive environment.
As we are nearing the end of term three we are continuing our Friday kindy sport with the Kindergarten children. This is certainly proving to be beneficial with the preschoolers showing their confidence in mixing not only with the children but having conversations with the teachers too. They will undoubtedly be ready for the transition to school next year.


Parish Information and News

Parish Priest: Fr Paul McDonald
Finance Manager: Paul Crouch
Parish Secretary: Marty Darragh
Pastoral Assistant: Catherine Holliday
Phone: 0266741368
Current Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9am-3pm
Confirmation gifts
The Piety Stall has a large range of rosary beads, plaques, confirmation cards and religious gifts, perfect for the sacrament of Confirmation. Browsers welcome!
St Anthony's Parish - Care Group
Many parents may have noticed from the Parish Bulletin, that the Parish has a Care Group which, among other things seeks to provide meals to any parishoners in need.
This could include times of family sickness, new mums struggling to provide for the family in the early days of returning home, and many other circumstances of genuine need.
Please be aware that the Care Group is very willing to help out if any families find themselves in need of this service.
Contact: Parish Office: 0266 741 284 or Maree Moore 0439 174 116