Newsletter Term 1 Week 8 (28.3.24)
Message from the Principal - Lynne Pull
Important Dates & School Information
Message from Assistant Principal - Julianne Barlogio- Learning & Teaching
Message from Assistant Principal - Gemma Ballantine - Mission
Something to think and pray about
Project Compassion 2024
Sports News
Ensuring Child Safety: A Priority for Our School Community
Privacy Collection for Parents
Child Safeguarding Commitment
Flying Start Preschool & OSHC
Misc items
Parish Information and News
St Anthony's Parish - Care Group
Message from the Principal - Lynne Pull
Dear Parents
We are fast approaching the end of Lent with Palm Sunday beginning Holy Week this weekend. At this morning’s assembly Kindergarten told us the story of Palm Sunday when Jesus rose triumphantly into Jerusalem on a donkey. The people cheered and waved palm leaves saying, “Hosanna to the son of David. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest”. The people saw him as their king and they were full of praise for him. Sadly only a few days later, the people were to turn on him and he would be crucified. We commemorate these things next week.
On Thursday morning next week, we will have a morning assembly where some classes will enact some aspects of the Last Supper. Classes will then have the opportunity throughout the morning to take part in the Stations of the Cross which will be set up outside. From 2.00pm on Thursday we will gather as a whole school for our special liturgy which will focus on the events of Good Friday. This will be a solemn occasion. Parents are welcome to attend. Students may go home with their parents at the conclusion.
Thursday is the last day of school before the Easter break. School resumes for students on Wednesday 3rd April. We will celebrate Easter, the Resurrection of Jesus, on that day.
Last Wednesday a number of our students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time in the church. During the ceremony we heard again the story of the prodigal son, examined our consciences, confessed our sins, made an act of contrition and had our sins forgiven. We thank everyone for keeping it a prayerful occasion.
Year 6 have a Taster Day at Mt St Patrick College on Monday. I am sure they will thoroughly enjoy this day.
We wish those students who are representing our school at the QuizLit competition to be held on Tuesday at Coomera all the very best. Thank you to Mrs Plunkett for preparing them and organising this event, and thanks also to those parents who are assisting with transport. We look forward to hearing all about the experience.
Some of our Year 5 & 6 leaders prepared a presentation about Harmony Day at this morning’s assembly. We heard how more than half of all people in Australia today were born overseas or have a parent who was born overseas. Australia is one of the world’s most successful multicultural countries in the world and our cultural diversity is something to be celebrated. The students presented a strong message about everybody belonging at St Anthony’s regardless of our cultural background, disability, or any other difference. They included a message about including everyone in our games at lunch times and not excluding people based on their lack of knowledge or ability. By doing this we create more harmony and peace in our school. Well done to all those involved!
As we head into Holy Week here are some thoughts to reflect on:
God expects me to produce fruits of holiness, purity, justice, humility, obedience, charity and forgiveness. Do I? Or do I continue to produce bitter fruits of impurity, injustice, pride, hatred, jealousy and selfishness?
Are we willing to follow Jesus in our daily life? Are we willing to entrust ourselves to Him even when the future seems so confusing or even frightening, believing that God has a plan? Are we willing to serve Him until that day when His plan on earth is fulfilled?
We have been saddened this week to hear about the death of Declan Knutson’s (Year 1) grandmother, Deneille Wills. We extend our deepest sympathy to all the family.
We also want to extend our sympathy to Mrs Barlogio whose father has died this week also and assure her of our thoughts and prayers at this sad time. May they rest in peace.
Thank you to everyone for your support during this term. I will be taking some leave after Easter so I take this opportunity to wish all of our families a blessed Easter time. This term ends on Friday 12th April. Term 2 commences for students on Tuesday 30th April.
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. God’s spirit is close to us when we love.
Important Dates & School Information
Term 1 2024
Friday, 29th March - Good Friday - No school
Monday, 1 April - Easter Monday - no school
Tuesday 2nd April 2024 - Pupil Free Day/ Staff Professional Learning Day
Friday, 5th April - Cross Country
Monday 8th April to Friday, 12th April - Catholic Schools Week
Tuesday, 9th April - Family Forum Kingscliff Beach Hotel
Wednesday, 10th April to Friday, 12th April - Year 5 camp Camp Goodenough
Thursday, 11th April - Whole School Mass Catholic Schools Week
Thursday, 11th April to Friday, 12th April - PSSA Swimming
Monday, 15th April - Friday, 26th April - Term 1 School holidays
Term 2 2024
Monday, 29th April - Pupil Free Day - no school
Tuesday, 30th April - Term 2 students return to school
Tuesday, 7th May - Parent Forum Meeting 5-6 pm
Tuesday, 7th May - Family Workshop First Communion 6-7 pm
Thursday, 9th May - Mother's Day Stall
Friday, 10th May - Zone Cross Country
Friday, 17th May- National Walk to School Day
Sunday, 19th May - First Communion Commitment MASS @ 9 am
Tuesday, 21 May - DIO Cross Country
Child Protection Policy can be found on our School Website under Information/School Policies: St Anthony's Primary School Website or in the following link:
Message from Assistant Principal - Julianne Barlogio- Learning & Teaching
Please DO NOT park on the grass
We have put up chain and ‘No Parking’ signs to keep cars off the playground which is very wet with all the rain we have had. Repeatedly the chain is being broken and cars are parked on the grass. Please understand that this is the children’s play area that gets dug up and makes it unusable hence why we are no longer allowing parking. Please honour our request and DO NOT park on the grass.
Message from Assistant Principal - Gemma Ballantine - Mission
Catholic Education Week 2024
Our school will join with more than 45 schools across the Lismore Diocese to celebrate Catholic Education Week (CEW). This will take place in Week 11, Term 1 from April 8-12.
This year’s theme is “Innovation and Faith’. The transforming power of innovation and faith working in unison to ensure our students experience the fullness of life (John 10:10).
For many of the great innovators throughout history, their faith motivated them to explore and understand the wonders of the universe. Our Catholic schools walk alongside clergy, parishioners and families to prepare and nurture our future innovators and faith leaders on their journey.
I would like to extend a warm invitation for you to participate in our Catholic Education Week events and faith celebrations. Please take the opportunity with members of our parish and wider community, to experience innovation and faith in our Catholic school.
Below is a schedule of events for the week that you are invited to attend:
Catholic Schools Week 2024: Innovation and Faith | |
Monday | Native Bee Workshop (Environment Team) |
Tuesday | K’s for Compassion (students need to bring in their donations for Project Compassion and will be walking with their buddies to raise awareness about those less fortunate who need to walk long distances for water, food and education) Parent Forum at Kingscliff Beach Hotel 5-6pm Diocesan AFL |
Wednesday | Yr 5 Camp |
Thursday | Whole School Mass- all families are welcome Open Classrooms (after Mass) |
Friday | Year 3 Assembly |
Thank you for your ongoing support. We look forward to seeing you during our celebrations for Catholic Education Week in 2024.
After Easter (Week 10) we will start preparing a number of our St Anthony’s students to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, which will initiate and welcome them to the Catholic faith.
If you would like your child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism and your child has a Catholic, Baptised Parent, please contact Gemma Ballantine
This year we are rebranding our 2023 LAP (Learning Assistance Program) to ‘Companions’, as we feel it better communicates our vision. The program will commence at the start of Term 2.
We are seeking parishioners who might have some time to come into school once a week and work with a student (or groups of students) who would benefit from a companion to build positive relationships, self-esteem and resilience. It might be teaching a child how to play cards or how to knit and having a yarn about life’s ups and downs at the same time.
Volunteers need a Volunteer Working With Children Check, which can be organised through the following website:
If you would like to volunteer for the program or want to talk further about Companions, please contact Gemma Ballantine (Assistant Principal, Mission) through the School Office on 6674 1368.

Something to think and pray about

The Joy of Belonging
The path to a better future, the future God desires for us, begins in the human heart, in our yearning to belong. In those desires is the road out of our crises, both our own and those of our world. By regenerating the bonds that bind us, in reoxygenating us to receive the gift that is our life and our world, we need first to know and experience the Giver, who is already here, waiting for us. There is no better manual for this than the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius, and no greater spiritual guide in our time than Francis, the world’s first Jesuit pope.
Excerpted from to First Belong to God : On Retreat with Pope Francis by Austen Ivereigh (p.15)

Project Compassion 2024

Sports News

Ensuring Child Safety: A Priority for Our School Community
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we continue to prioritise the safety and well-being of all our students, we want to remind you of some important protocols regarding child safety in and around the school premises.
No Child Leaves Without Notification:
It is imperative that no child leaves the school premises without proper notification to a teacher or adult caregiver. If your child walks home, please ensure they inform a teacher or adult supervisor. This can be done by notifying Mrs. Pull or teachers on car duty if they are leaving via the netball courts, or Mrs. Barlogio or teachers on bus duty if they are exiting through the front gate.
Preferred Pick-Up Zone:
For the safety and convenience of all students, we strongly encourage parents to utilise the designated pick-up zone on Boomerang St. when picking up their child after school. Please refrain from using the Parish car park on Pearl St. for drop-off or pick-up purposes.
Pick up zone Protocols:
If your child needs assistance with seat belts etc of an afternoon, please delay picking them up by a few minutes to enable traffic to not bank up. We can then assist you with buckling them in.
Morning protocols:
If you need to assist your child with getting them out of the car please try to be quick and not create extra delays for others. It is a drop-and-go zone! Please be mindful of others.
Bike Riding Safety:
We remind all students who ride their bikes to school to prioritise safety at all times. This includes wearing a helmet while riding and dismounting from their bikes once they enter the school grounds. Additionally, for students arriving at school between 8:30 AM and 9:00 AM via the Parish car park, we urge caution as there may be reversing parishioners leaving Mass. This area can be particularly hazardous, so please exercise extreme caution.
We rely on the cooperation and assistance of parents to ensure the safety of all our students. By adhering to these safety protocols and reinforcing them with your children, we can create a secure environment where all students can thrive.
Thank you for your continued support.
Privacy Collection for Parents

Child Safeguarding Commitment

Flying Start Preschool & OSHC

Misc items

Parish Information and News

Parish Priest: Fr Paul McDonald
Finance Manager: Paul Crouch
Parish Secretary: Marty Darragh
Pastoral Assistant: Catherine Holliday
Phone: 0266741368
Current Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9am-3pm
St Anthony's Parish - Care Group
Many parents may have noticed from the Parish Bulletin, that the Parish has a Care Group which, among other things seeks to provide meals to any parishoners in need.
This could include times of family sickness, new mums struggling to provide for the family in the early days of returning home, and many other circumstances of genuine need.
Please be aware that the Care Group is very willing to help out if any families find themselves in need of this service.
Contact: Parish Office: 0266 741 284 or Maree Moore 0439 174 116