Message from Gemma Ballantine

Resilient Kids Parent Workshop

Next week The Family Centre is coming to St Anthony’s Primary School to deliver Resilient Kids – Disaster, Resilience, Social and Emotional Wellbeing. The aim is to discover, explore and share ways students can look after themselves and their emotional well-being. 

We will also be holding a Parent Session on Thursday 1st August from 1.35pm-2.55pm to share with you some resources, strategies and information regarding supporting your child/ren with:  

  • Anxiety in general 
  • Emotional regulation/Emotion Coaching 
  • Cyber Bullying/Social Media 
  • Sharing some of what we cover during our workshops. 

Please contact the School Office if you can join us. We will have afternoon tea on arrival.

More information about the funding program and service design is available at Healthy North Coast Resilient Kids Program-

More information about The Family Centre is available at their website:

Term 3 Arts Project

This Term St Anthony’s is undertaking a whole-school multi-disciplinary arts project that highlights the impact of single-use plastics. Each class will be exploring the impact of plastics on the environment and create artworks using recycled plastic.

We are asking our St Anthony’s families to collect washed, clean household plastics we can use for our project. This includes the following:

  • Plastic bottles
  • Plastic lids (the more colourful the better)
  • Washed coffee lids
  • Snack wrappers
  • Cutlery
  • Ice-cream containers
  • Sushi trays and soy sauce bottles (inc. lids)
  • Bubble wrap

A beachcomb with your children would be great and you could bring in the items you find. Here is a video that might help facilitate some discussions with your children and give an idea of some visual art that can be created with recycled plastics. One Plastic Beach | KQED Truly CA

The Year 6 students had a great day or art on Thursday using plastic marine debris. They started with a beachcomb along Kingscliff Beach and created an artwork and artist’s statement to explain the significance and message behind their art.

Thank you to our artists in residence, Gabi Eadie and Alice Nelson, who will be sharing their knowledge and creative expertise across the project.


Baptism preparation classes will commence in Week 3.  If you would like for your child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, initiating them to the Catholic faith, and your child has a Catholic, Baptised Parent, please contact Gemma Ballantine and we will add your child to the group.

Confirmation dates

Thank you to those families who have registered for the 2024 Confirmation Program.

Here are a few dates to keep in mind:

Confirmation Commitment Mass- Weekend of August 3 and 4 (next weekend)

Family Workshops- Tuesday, August 06 at 5pm in the school Hall

Confirmation Retreat Day- Wednesday, August 14 in the school Hall

Sacrament of Confirmation- Wednesday, September 04, 6pm at St Anthony’s Church

Confirmation Certificate Mass- Sunday, September 15, 9am at St Anthony’s Church

Sports News

NSWPSSA Cross Country - Frankie Fogg

Congratulations to Frankie Fogg of Year 3 who travelled to Sydney on Tuesday to compete in the NSWPSSA Cross Country.

Frankie participated in the Multi-Class section of the carnival and was awarded a silver medal placing second in her race!!

Frankie will now progress to the National Championships later in August in Melbourne.

What an achievement Frankie, St Anthony’s is very proud of how far you have come with your running this year!

NSW All Schools AFL  - Harper Gallagher

During the holidays, Year 6 student Harper Gallagher attended a 3 day training camp in Barooga with his NSW All Schools Primary AFL team.

Here he was named Co-captain of the team and he travels to the National competition in Geelong during Week 3 this Term.

Congratulations Harper! We are looking forward to hearing how you and the team go. 

Polding U/11’s Rugby League - Ky O’Grady

Congratulations to Ky O’Grady of Year 5 who was a member of the Polding team that travelled to St Mary’s in Western Sydney to compete in the NSWPSSA 11’s Rugby League State Championships. 

The team played 5 games in the first 2 days and won 2 out of these 5 games. They then competed in the semi-finals against Sydney East where they only lost by 2 points which placed them 8th overall.

It was a great experience and a chance to make new friends from other schools in Northern NSW.

Well done Ky! 

RCIA 2024

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Since Jesus invited His first followers to “Come, follow me”, the image of journey has been used to describe Christian discipleship.

Perhaps you or someone you know are interested in being baptised, or were baptised in another Christian faith but are interested in becoming Catholic. 

The RCIA provides a setting where the Catholic faith can be explored and the journey of faith can be celebrated within the local Church community. 

An RCIA Enquiry Night will be held on Tuesday, 20th August, 6.30pm, in the Parish Meeting Room at St Anthony’s Church (located behind the Presbytery, northern side of the church). You are most welcome to come along to learn about the process, there is no obligation to commit. If you would like further information contact Catherine Holliday in the Parish Office on 6674 1284 or email 

Our Library - June

Healthy Eating Active Living Team

P&F Information for Parents

Flying Start

Term 3 is underway, and we hope that everyone either enjoyed time off over the holidays or they enjoyed dropping the pre-schoolers off to vacation care. We know that our pre-schoolers love to join in with the school-age children over the holidays and we know that there is no better teacher than lived experience.

 Our pre-schoolers got to engage in jumping castles, balancing man, nerf guns and sports that allowed them to mix with children of all ages.

 We have started our term off with a bang and have set some great goals for our pre-schoolers to achieve over the next 10 weeks. As we are now entering the last 6 months before school next year our focus is self-help skills.

We know that this will assist with everyday tasks for the children next year and help them with independence.

 At Flying Start, we love to help all pre-schoolers be ready for the transition to school next year whilst making learning fun.

Something to think and pray about

The Masterpiece of Creation

The insights of science about the cosmos are coming to us thick and fast. Our generation is being showered with insights about the history and structure of creation which were hidden from our predecessors. This new knowledge helps us to understand God’s artistic work, appreciate it properly and relate lovingly to its creator. Creation is God’s self-revelation, and we have much to learn from it. Then we can participate more effectively in co-creating and restoring the divine masterpiece.

Excerpted from Sacred Space The Companion by The Irish Jesuits (p.67)

We Remember At This Time…

In July, we celebrate the feast day of St. Benedict of Nursia, who is considered to be the father of Western monasticism. May we take this opportunity to pray for all those in religious and monastic life, particularly those who have been called to live lives of radical simplicity, poverty, solitude, prayer, and silence. Lord, thank you for all those you have set apart in this way, and for their willingness to say yes for the sake of Your kingdom, offering their lives to you, and for all of us, in prayer. Bless them today and always. Amen.

Parish Information and News

Parish Priest: Fr Paul McDonald

Finance Manager: Paul Crouch

Parish Secretary: Marty Darragh

Pastoral Assistant: Catherine Holliday

Phone: 0266741368







Current Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9am-3pm


St Anthony's Parish - Care Group

Many parents may have noticed from the Parish Bulletin, that the Parish has a Care Group which, among other things seeks to provide meals to any parishoners in need.

This could include times of family sickness, new mums struggling to provide for the family in the early days of returning home, and many other circumstances of genuine need.

Please be aware that the Care Group is very willing to help out if any families find themselves in need of this service.

Contact: Parish Office: 0266 741 284 or Maree Moore 0439 174 116 

Message from the Principal - Lynne Pull

Dear Parents

It’s always great at the start of a term as everyone is relaxed and refreshed and happy to be seeing each other again. I hope all our families had an enjoyable holiday break. The weather was certainly great after a wet start. Classes have settled into the new term and already there have been lots of things happening. Students were reminded that their “job” at school is to be the best learners they can be so they must focus in class times and keep striving to do better. We also remind students that we expect them to become the “best St Anthony’s people” they can be by honouring our school motto of Love and Service, treating everyone with kindness and being helpful around the school.


Today we have been engaging in NAIDOC celebrations. We thank Mr Shannon Carpenter for the welcome today and for the smoking ceremony. Shannon engaged with each class during the day and spent the afternoon with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students working on a mural. The ATSI students led the assembly and all students joined in singing songs. All classes made bracelets  and everyone was able to enjoy hot dogs at lunch time, thanks to the parents who helped get them ready. Thank you to Ms Alex Field for the work she did in organising things for today. It certainly has been a great celebration.


Student/Parent/Teacher partnership Learning Conferences will be held over the next two weeks. Have you booked in yet? These conferences are extremely important as students take ownership of their learning, reflect on how they are progressing in order to set goals for growing and improving in their learning and share this with their parents. It is the students who drive these sessions. Please respect them and allow them to do this. It is definitely not a waste of time. It is so important for growth in learning. Students will improve each time they do this process and become more skilled in owning their learning. There will be time to have a chat with the teacher/s after the student is finished, however be mindful that if you need a longer time with the teacher/s then you will need to make an appointment for another time.


Next Wednesday (31st July) Year 5 students will be engaging in a day of activities to help them to build resilience, understand ways to self-manage and self-regulate, developing a growth mindset and ways to assist in relieving anxiety. It will be the turn for Year 6 on Thursday (1st August). These days will be facilitated through the Family Centre.

On the Thursday afternoon (1.35pm – 2.55pm) there will be a workshop for parents. Please see the information elsewhere in this newsletter and register for this worthwhile session.


This sacrament is targeted at Year 3 and above. Baptised Catholic students are encouraged to prepare for the reception of this Sacrament and make their commitment to this process at next Sunday’s 9.00am Mass (3rd August). The school will host this Mass so we encourage ALL families to join us on this day. Year 3 families are asked to bring something to share for morning tea. Tea and coffee and juice will be provided. It is always a happy social time for everyone after these Masses so please come and join us and be part of this parish community. Our school is an integral part of the parish.

There will be a Parent/Child workshop about Confirmation on Tuesday 6th August commencing at 5.00pm. It is imperative that you participate in this.

The actual date for Confirmation is Wednesday 4th September at 6.00pm in the church. Bishop Greg will be here to confer the sacrament and talk to parents.

Confirmation Certificates will be presented at the 9.00am Mass on Sunday 15th September, which the school will host once again. I am sure there will be cake on this occasion! Please put this date into your calendar. Students who are confirmed are expected to be present on this day.


August is a big month with lots of things associated with books happening. Book Week begins on Monday 19th August. There will be a bookfair in our library during that week when students are able to purchase new books, or even donate one to the library. On the Friday of that week (23rd August) we will hold a book character HAT PARADE – something a bit different from the normal dress up day. We encourage students to REUSE and RECYCLE materials when making their hats which will depict a character from a book!

Selected students from Years 3 – 6 will be invited to attend the Byron Bay Writers Festival on Wednesday 7th August. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to hear from authors about how they craft their work. We hope students are inspired to engage more in writing (and reading) after attending this event.

We are also hoping to engage an author here at school during Book Week as well!


We welcome the Searle family to our school this term. Gracie is in Year 5 and Teddy is in Year 1 and parents are Keith and Naomi. We hope they come to enjoy being part of our school community.

We have been saddened to learn of the death this week of Peter Buxton, grandfather of Sonny in Year 6. A requiem Mass will be held next Saturday 3rd August. We extend our condolences to all the Buxton family who have had a long association with our school.

We have also learned today of the sudden death of the grandmother of the Neaves children (Ellie in Yr 6, Izzy in Year 4 and Jack in Kindergarten. The family are currently overseas but will be returning home sooner than they had planned. We offer our condolences to Todd and Marcia and the children at this very difficult time.

Happy news though is the recent births of three new babies. Charlotte (Year 3) and Sophie (Year 1) Trauer have a new sister, Bella. Joshua Roney (Year 1) has a new baby sister (Gracie) and Esme Harradence (Kindergarten) also has a new baby sister Banksia. Congratulations to all these families.

The next parent forum meeting is set down for Tuesday 13th August at 5.00pm.

A gentle word like summer rain may soothe some heart and banish pain.                                           What joy or sadness often springs from just the simple little things.

God bless


Important Dates & School Information

Term 3 2024

Wednesday, 31st July - Yr 5 Resilient Workshop

Thursday, 1st August - Yr 6 Resilient Workshop & Parent Workshop @ 1.35pm

Friday, 2nd August - Zone Athletics

Sunday, 4th August - Parish School MASS & Confirmation Commitment @ 9 am

Tuesday, 6th August - Confirmation Parent Workshop @ 5 pm

Wednesday, 7th August - Writer's Festival Byron Bay

Thursday, 8th August - Feast of Mary MacKillop

Thursday, 8th August - Tweed Catholic Schools Public Speaking

Monday, 12th August - Street Science Incursion

Tuesday, 13th August - Parent Forum @ 5pm

Thursday, 15th August - Feast of the Assumption - MASS at 9am

Thursday, 15th August - Science Fair

Friday,16th August - DIOCESAN Athletics

Monday, 19th August - Book Fair and Book Week begins

Tuesday, 20th August - AFL Gala Day Round 2 Carrara

Friday, 23rd August - Book Character Hat Parade

Child Protection Policy can be found on our School Website under Information/School Policies: St Anthony's Primary School Website or in the following link:

Orators Evening Shines on Wednesday, July 3rd

Last Wednesday, July 3rd, our school hosted a spectacular Orators Evening that saw an impressive turnout of families and students. The event was a testament to the strong community spirit and the high regard for public speaking at our school. 

The evening showcased the exceptional public speaking skills of our students, a true reflection of the dedication and hard work they have put into mastering the art of oration. The support from their families and peers was overwhelming, creating an encouraging and celebratory atmosphere. 

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our wonderful judges, whose voluntary contributions are invaluable to the success of such events. Special appreciation goes to Rosie Tucker, a former student, parent, and long-time speech and drama teacher, and Kim Shepherd, who has a long-standing association with our school, providing speech and drama lessons. Their dedication and expertise greatly enrich our students' experiences and opportunities in public speaking. 

Congratulations to all our winners and runners-up, who will now advance to the Tweed Catholic School Public Speaking Competition next term. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and wish them the best of luck in the upcoming competition. 

Thank you once again to everyone who attended and supported this fantastic event. Your involvement is crucial in fostering a supportive environment where our students can thrive and excel.

Winner Runner Up

Early Stage 1 

Milla Lawrence Charlie Chilcott

Stage 1 

Finley Smith Matilda Killick

Stage 2 

Gus Wallis Willow Milligan

Stage 3 

Andie Staunton Josie Moloney

Term 3 Arts Project 

Next St Anthony’s will undertake a whole-school multi-disciplinary arts project that highlights the impact of single-use plastics. Each class will be exploring the impact of plastics on the environment and create artworks using recycled plastic. 

We are asking our St Anthony’s families to collect washed, clean 

household plastics we can use for our project. This includes the following: ● Plastic bottles 

  • Plastic lids (the more colourful the better) 
  • Washed coffee lids 
  • Snack wrappers 
  • Cutlery 
  • Ice-cream containers 
  • Sushi trays and soy sauce bottles (inc. lids) 
  • Bubble wrap 

A holiday beachcomb with your children would be great and you could bring in the items you find. Here is a video that might help facilitate some discussions with your children and give an idea of some visual art that can be created with recycled plastics. 

One Plastic Beach | KQED Truly CA 

We’ll be ready to accept donations from Term 3. Thanks for your support. We’re very excited about this project. 

Vinnies Winter Appeal 

A huge thank you for all of your donations for the Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal. Many warm, quality items were donated and non-perishables went to the Vinnies Food Bank. Thank you for your generosity.


Next Term a number of students from years 3-6 will prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation completes Baptism, by which in the laying on of hands and the anointing with Chrism Oil, which first happened at Baptism, we are confirmed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We are reminded of our participation in the ministry and mission of Jesus, and strengthened to follow Jesus more closely.

Family Workshops for Confirmation will take place in the St Anthony’s school hall on Tuesday, August 06 at 5pm and the Sacrament will be celebrated on Wednesday, September 04 at 6pm at St Anthony’s Church, presided by Bishop Gregory Homeming. All families involved should have received a Compass notification to enrol their child in the 2024 program, please contact Gemma Ballantine if you wish to enrol your child or want further information. 


We have a number of children about to start Baptism preparation for Term 3. If you would like for your child to receive the Sacrament of Baptism, initiating them to the Catholic faith, and your child has a Catholic, Baptised Parent, please contact Gemma Ballantine and we will add your child to the group.


NAIDOC Assembly

Flying Start

Our last week of Preschool for this term and can you believe that half the year is already gone.

We are so proud of all our preschoolers and how well they have settled into routine, built strong relationships, and enjoyed our time every week over at St Anthony’s. We will continue with our kindy sport next term as well as our twice weekly library visits.

Last Friday we ran the cross country with the lower primary children and boy did we have fun. We had lots of families cheering us on and it was the highlight of our week

We have started preschool visits for any families that may be interested in sending your children in 2025 and beyond. Please reach out if you would like a tour and see all the wonderful experiences that we offer.

Thanks for a wonderful term, enjoy the holidays and see you all next term.

Jessie Grey


Phone: 02 6674 2028 


Address: 23 Boomerang Street, Kingscliff NSW 2487

The 2024 Premier's Reading Challenge is open!

Dear Parents and Carers,

All children at St Anthony’s are invited to take part in this year's NSW Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC). This is a program that encourages students to read quality fiction and non-fiction books from a selected list nominated by the premier's office.

What does the challenge involve?

To become involved in the challenge, Kindergarten to Year 2 students need to experience 30 books, 20 of these books need to come from the K-2 PRC booklists. 10 books can be their own free choice. Children can read the books on their own OR be read to by parents/carers. 

For years 3-6, students need to read 20 books, 10 of these books must be on the PRC booklist and 10 books can be their own free choice.

PRC books can be found in our school library, at home and in local council libraries. For the PRC booklists, please visit:

All books need to be read and recorded online by 23rd August 2024 (by 11:59 pm).  Students will receive a certificate from the PRC team on completion. PRC Certificates will be awarded in Term 4.

Further information is contained on the PRC website including the booklist for each level of the challenge:

How to register and record books online:

Students can begin their reading now! Follow the below instructions to log on and begin registering your books:

  1. Go to the PRC website or Google Premier's Reading Challenge NSW 2024.
  2. Click on the yellow ‘PRC Student Site’ box then select the "log on" button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
  3. Enter the student's username and password. If you have forgotten details or are registering for the first time please email and a username and password will be generated and emailed to you. 
  4. Enter the PRC ID code for each book the student has read. You can search for books on the website.

Please feel free to contact Mrs Plunkett if you have any questions, and look out for more information about the PRC in our School Newsletter, library displays and awards throughout the term. 

Happy reading!

Mrs Plunkett

PRC Coordinator

Important Notice Regarding Dogs on School Grounds

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope this message finds you well. As part of our commitment to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all students, staff, and visitors, we would like to remind you of the regulations concerning dogs on school premises as outlined in the Companion Animals Act 1998 (NSW, Section 14).

Dogs on School Grounds

According to the Companion Animals Act, dogs are generally prohibited on school grounds unless the principal has granted specific permission. Such permissions are typically reserved for:

  • Assistance or service dogs
  • Farm working dogs
  • Visits by organised groups or programs for school incursions
  • School support dogs

We understand that many families enjoy walking their dogs during school drop-off and pick-up times. However, we kindly ask that dogs remain outside the school gates. You are welcome to wait with your dog just outside the gate and arrange for your child to meet you there. This practice helps us ensure the safety and comfort of all students, particularly those who may have allergies or a fear of dogs.

Important Points for Consideration

Responsibility: Only individuals aged 18 or over can be responsible for a dog, as stated in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (POCTAA).

Procedural Fairness: Schools are obligated to consult with parents and consider all relevant information before making decisions regarding assistance dogs.

Health and Safety: Our priority is to maintain a safe environment for everyone on school grounds.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in adhering to these guidelines. By keeping our school grounds dog-free, except for authorised circumstances, we can ensure a safer and more inclusive environment for all students.

This notice aligns with our commitment to safety and compliance with state legislation. Your cooperation is crucial in maintaining a welcoming and secure environment for our school community.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the school administration.

Thank you for your support in this matter.

Something to think and pray about

The Value of Interiority

‘there is one especially salient message Ignatius can give us: the great value of interiority. I mean by this everything that has to do with the sphere of the heart, of deep intentionality, of decisions made from within.’

Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini SJ

...interiority is the antidote to much that is insidiously destructive in our contemporary society. The secularisation of culture, the frantic pace of life, the pressures of competition, the seductiveness of consumerism...these and other influences mould our way of living. Even the quality of our most precious relationships is frequently put at risk. We are drawn to live superficially, on the surface of things, losing touch with our deeper and more authentic selves.

Excerpted from Sacred Space The Companion By The Irish Jesuits (pp.14-15)

We Remember At This Time…

Around this time we mark the feast of St Thomas the Apostle. Thomas needed concrete evidence in order to believe in who Jesus was. We pray for all of those who lack faith, who lack the ability to believe in anything beyond the material world. We pray for those who don’t believe in life after death. Lord, send an outpouring of love, hope and light on all these people, who are also your beloved children. Amen.