Message from the Assistant Principal -Gemma Ballantine


On Wednesday evening 36 of our St Anthony’s students received the Sacrament of Confirmation. It was wonderful to have a packed Church and so many families there to witness their children receive this special Sacrament, where they were graced with the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Bishop gave a profound homily about the Holy Spirit and the importance of loving our children so much that love is all they know and all that they give to the world. Thank you to all the families for their active participation.

The children will receive their Confirmation certificates and a gift from the Parish at the 9am whole school Mass on Sunday, September 15. We will also have cake after the Mass to celebrate! 

All are welcome, all belong.

Year 6 Tweed Mass

This Monday all Year 6 students in the Tweed Regional area will attend a Year 6 Mass. It will be a great opportunity for all Year 6 students in Catholic schools, from Byron and Mullumbimby in the South to Tweed Heads in the north to gather together and share their faith, some food and have some fun!

Could all parents please give permission for their child to attend via Compass.


Sports News

Netball Gala Day

On Tuesday 27th August around 90 St Anthony’s students from Years 3-6 participated in the Tweed Schools Cup Netball Gala Day at Arkinstall Park.

St Anthony’s entered 10 teams, 2 in the Mixed Competitive and 8 in the Non-Competitive.

The 2 Mixed Competitive teams who competed in the Years 5 / 6 rounds had a mix of wins, draws and losses against tough competition. Both teams improved each game and they should be proud of their achievements on the day.

Many thanks to Miss Alex Field for coaching one of the teams and running lunchtime training for both the competitive teams. Also many thanks to Mrs Plunkett for coaching and running the other Mixed Competitive Team. Thanks to Mrs Barlogio and Miss Ross for umpiring the competitive games. Your time is greatly appreciated.

We had 5 mixed non-competitive teams from Years 5 /6 and 3 mixed Years 3 / 4 non-competitive teams.

The netball gala day showcased the true spirit of teamwork and sportsmanship with our non-competitive teams. What made this even more special was the participation of many students who had never played netball before. Their skills and confidence showed remarkable improvement as the games progressed.

Congratulations to all the students who participated on the day!

Many thanks to our amazing teachers who coached and supervised the students on the day: Miss Thompson, Mr Monohan, Miss Burnheim, Mrs Sleba and Mrs Midson.

Many thanks also to the fantastic parents who volunteered and gave up their time to coach, umpire and score on the day: Mrs Fallon, Mrs Popov and Mrs Tate.

Showing images 1 - 8 of 10

School Fun Run

Flying Start

Week 7 certainly has hit us with some great Spring weather. This means that water play has come early, and boy, do we love it. The mud kitchen has been busy with plenty of water to make potions and cakes, all while we learn mathematical concepts through play.

We celebrated Indigenous Literacy Day on Wednesday, a perfect opportunity to showcase the many wonderful Indigenous books we have on offer. Our discussions around authors, illustrators, and Dreamtime stories give our preschoolers the chance to engage with a wide variety of stories and books in their early years. One of our favourites is the Rainbow Serpent, which we used to inspire our preschoolers to create their very own serpents decorated in a rainbow of colours and shapes.  Wednesday also meant celebrating.


We all agree that being an early educator is not a job for everyone, but we all love it.  We face our challenges but also experience the joy of cuddles, fun conversations, and endless entertainment. We get to be goofy, dance like no one is watching, and sing out of tune every day. We want to express big, heartfelt thanks to all families, not just those at Flying Start, for trusting us with your children and allowing us to do the job we all love. Your trust and support mean the world to us.


Confirmation gifts
The Piety Stall has a large range of rosary beads, plaques, confirmation cards and religious gifts, perfect for the sacrament of Confirmation. Browsers welcome!

Something to think and pray about

Dealing with Mistakes

There are lots of examples of where Jesus, when faced with imperfections of those around him, showed mercy and compassion and willed that the person learned from their mistakes and grew into a better way of being. In other and more modern words, he cut them a break and looked kindly on them.

No day is perfect. No person is perfect. Mistakes and failures are part of the journey. We grow and learn much more in the face of being cut a break and looked on kindly than judgement and being shut out. 

Excerpted from Emerging from the Mess by Brendan McManus SJ and Jim Deeds (pp.30-31)

We Remember At This Time…

In September, we celebrate the Season of Creation. A time for us to remember our relationship with all of God’s creation. May we ponder the beauty and mystery of everything around us and find our way to make the world a better place for all God’s creations. “Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good spirit lead me on a level path.” – Psalm 143:10 NRSVue

Parish Information and News

Parish Priest: Fr Paul McDonald

Finance Manager: Paul Crouch

Parish Secretary: Marty Darragh

Pastoral Assistant: Catherine Holliday

Phone: 0266741368







Current Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9am-3pm


St Anthony's Parish - Care Group

Many parents may have noticed from the Parish Bulletin, that the Parish has a Care Group which, among other things seeks to provide meals to any parishoners in need.

This could include times of family sickness, new mums struggling to provide for the family in the early days of returning home, and many other circumstances of genuine need.

Please be aware that the Care Group is very willing to help out if any families find themselves in need of this service.

Contact: Parish Office: 0266 741 284 or Maree Moore 0439 174 116 

A message from the Principal -Lynne Pull & the Assistant Principal - Julianne Barlogio

Dear Parents

Celebrating Outstanding Success in Science

This year’s Science Fair has been a resounding success, with remarkable achievements across all levels of the school. For the first time, we ran our Science Fair in conjunction with the prestigious Gold Coast Schools Science Competition facilitated by Griffith University, utilising their success criteria to judge our entries. We were honoured to have a science teacher and four senior science students from St. Joseph’s College as our judges, who were thoroughly impressed with the depth and quality of our projects. They commended our students on their sophisticated use of scientific terminology and processes, which, they noted, rivaled the work typically seen in their own high school.

Out of the numerous outstanding projects submitted, twelve were selected to enter the Gold Coast Schools Science Competition due to their close alignment with the competition’s success criteria. This was a major accomplishment, as the competition drew an impressive 534 projects from 33 schools. Our students’ hard work and dedication shone through, with St. Anthony's proudly securing four awards: one Honours, two Third Places, and one Second Place. Additionally, every one of our entries scored highly, reflecting the excellent standard of our school’s Science program.

The combined points from all our entries earned us the highest score out of the eleven new schools that joined the competition this year, earning us the coveted trophy for Best New School—a tremendous accomplishment!

Special congratulations go to our prize winners:

  • Lake Moore (Prep): Honours in the Scientific Investigation category.
  • Amelia Alcorn and Scarlett Hardy (Year 1/2): Third Place for their Environmental Action project.
  • Elodi-Kate Alcorn and Audrey McMahon (Year 3/4): Second Place for their Environmental Action project.
  • Georgia Dodge and Evelyn Stewart (Year 5/6): Third Place in the Classified Collections category.

The awards ceremony was an exciting experience for our students. Not only did they receive recognition for their hard work, but they also had the opportunity to view all of the other incredible projects on display. A particular highlight of the evening was the hands-on science exploration activities, which included learning about V8 supercar engineering. The students even had the chance to sit in and rev the supercar on display!

This remarkable achievement for our school would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication of our students, and the guidance and support of Mrs. Hawkins, who has worked tirelessly to provide such enriching science opportunities for all.

Well done to everyone involved!

This weekend, two of our school teams will be taking part in the highly anticipated Tournament of Minds, hosted at Lindisfarne. Tournament of Minds (TOM) is a celebrated problem-solving program that challenges teams of students from both primary and secondary years to work together in solving complex, open-ended problems across a range of disciplines. It aims to nurture the potential of young minds by fostering skills in creativity, critical thinking, time management, collaboration, and innovation.

Our students have been preparing diligently to tackle the Tournament’s diverse challenges, which are drawn from the following disciplines:

  • The Arts: A new discipline offering rich opportunities for those passionate about visual and performing arts. Long-term challenges encourage creative expression through research and artistic interpretation. Students will explore dance, song, theatre, musical instruments, and various forms of visual arts.
  • STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics): Introduced in 2018, this discipline integrates principles from the STEM fields to deepen conceptual understanding. Students must employ creative and critical thinking to address challenges in real-world contexts.
  • Language Literature: This discipline focuses on in-depth analysis and research of texts from various fields, pushing students to hone their literary and interpretative skills.
  • Social Sciences: Teams will confront moral and ethical issues that impact society today, engaging with thought-provoking challenges rooted in contemporary social concerns.

Tournament of Minds provides students with the unique opportunity to showcase their learning and problem-solving skills in an engaging and vibrant setting. It is designed for those who have a passion for learning, collaboration, and demonstrating their abilities in a public forum.

The popularity of TOM continues to grow rapidly, with thousands of participants across Australia and internationally. This remarkable program not only offers an invaluable educational experience for our students but also plays a vital role in shaping our collective future by fostering innovative thinkers.

We are immensely proud of our teams led by Miss Lewis and Mrs Hawkins and we look forward to seeing them represent our school this weekend. Best of luck to all participants.

We should pursue science as a means to give God glory by exercising our God-given intellect and exploring His marvellous creation.(Isaiah 55:8-9)

Enjoy the weekend

Lynne and Julianne

Important Dates & School Information

Term 3 2024

Sunday, 8th September - Tournament of Minds

Monday, 9th September - Yr 6 Tweed Regional Mass - St Joseph's College Banora Point

Tuesday, 10th September - Parent Forum Meeting @ 5 pm

Thursday, 12th September - Year 1 Excursion - Tweed Museum

Tuesday, 17th September - ZING - Dance Showcase

Monday, 23rd September - Colour Fun Run

Wednesday, 25th & Thursday 26th September - Year 4 Camp

Friday, 27th September - Last day of Term 3 

Term 4 2024

Monday, 14th October - Pupil Free Day - no school

Tuesday, 15th October - Term 4 - students return to school

Child Protection Policy can be found on our School Website under Information/School Policies: St Anthony's Primary School Website or in the following link:

School Fun Run

Thank you all for creating a School Fun Run profile!

Currently we have raised $11,857 of our $30,000 goal amount, so there is a way to go and I hope you’ll keep supporting us! Remember, the money raised will be going towards a new PA and sound system.

Please remember to keep sharing your online fundraising link. Text message is always the best way to share your link, followed by social media and lastly, email. Try to share every two days to keep donations coming in.

For those of you who are yet to get a donation, just remember that you can WIN a $20,000 Ultimate Family Package by raising $1 online.

Thank you again for your effort and I hope you will continue to help us fundraise throughout the event.

This morning at assembly 3 teachers were slimed which the students love. Thank you to our teachers for being such great sports. We hope to reach the total of $30,000 so we can give Mrs Pull a farewell slime.

Flying Start

What a busy week we have had!! 

Watching all our preschoolers enjoy our new playground fixed equipment has been lots of fun. Climbing and navigating the ropes, as well as using the monkey bars to swing, hang and lift their body weight, is certainly helping with gross motor skills. We know that giving preschool age children the opportunity to climb is great for balance as well as engaging core and large muscle groups. What better way to do this than through play at Preschool.

We have our annual Father’s Day breakfast too this week and can’t wait to celebrate all things Dad. We also encourage other important people in our preschoolers lives to share the morning with us. Coffee, bacon and egg rolls and lots of fun will be enjoyed by all. We are also lucky enough to be participating in the Fathers Day stall and have lots of great gifts to purchase.


Confirmation gifts
The Piety Stall has a large range of rosary beads, plaques, confirmation cards and religious gifts, perfect for the sacrament of Confirmation. Browsers welcome!

Healthy Eating Active Living Team

Something to think and pray about

What You Really Want or Desire

We have lots of wants; we always want things that we think will make us happy, but these are often not our deepest desires. My deepest desires are not about wants. Wants often come from ‘the surface’ and can be superficial. They usually involve ‘things’. The more important question is about our deepest desires, our dreams, what will bring us true happiness. They come from a place way below the surface or the superficial things. They come from a place we sometimes don’t even really understand.

Ignatius said that we can find God in our deepest desires. That’s a remarkable statement if we carry it through to practice. Spending time dreaming about our deepest desires might just bring us into a sacred space.

Excerpted from Emerging from the Mess  by Brendan McManus SJ and Jim Deeds (p.44)

Parish Information and News

Parish Priest: Fr Paul McDonald

Finance Manager: Paul Crouch

Parish Secretary: Marty Darragh

Pastoral Assistant: Catherine Holliday

Phone: 0266741368







Current Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday 9am-3pm